August is almost gone and the flowers in my garden are starting to grow which means spring isn't far away , Tassie has been cold and wet this week and for a few weeks now great for watching dvd's , I get free ones from the library , have also got craft books to fill in the time when in doors but I'm looking forward to sunny days so I can enjoy outdoors, hang washing out to dry instead of using my power.
Today I took Mia for a needle and then she came home and slept all afternoon she'll be ready for a huge play tonight, she loves her time running back and forth after a ping pong ball
I best go to post office now the rain has stopped.
It's 16 weeks or 4 months to Christmas today and inbetween all that we have 3 birthdays , school holidays and a busy 3rd term coming up
Mia is barking at the tv due to dogs barking so cute , she is cuddled up by my feet in front of teh fire , I love watching the flames and glow of the heater